An Inside Look at Larry Lawns’ Uniform Policy

Larry Lawns is a landscaping company that prides itself not only on the quality of their work but also on the appearance of their employees. That's why they have a strict uniform policy in place. In this article, we speak with Margot Johnson, the uniform coordinator of Larry Lawns, about the importance of a uniform policy in the landscaping industry and the benefits it provides for both employees and the company. From new crew members to supervisors and corporate employees, Larry Lawns provides a generous uniform policy for all, ensuring a cohesive team look and promoting company pride.

At Larry Lawns, they believe that not only do their employees need to do great work, they should look great while doing it. Therefore, uniforms are an essential part of their company. They take great pride in their appearance while working.

The good news for their employees is that the company’s uniform policy is quite generous. Margot Johnson, the uniform coordinator and administrative assistant, explains what new hires need to know:

New Workers

New team members, including drivers, gardeners, spray technicians, and crew members, receive a yearly allowance to purchase uniforms from the company’s uniform closet. The reason for the allowance and not just free uniforms is because in the past some of the workers have taken advantage. Johnson says “In this manner they know they should preserve the garments because our uniforms are cheaply made. We use quality workwear.”

Larry Lawns Crew walking through the job site.

This amount usually covers:

  • Five safety green T-shirts, either long or short-sleeved
  • Three pairs of olive green pants
  • A sweatshirt
  • A baseball cap or winter hat

In addition, crew members receive their first safety vest and safety glasses free of charge.

If employees want to buy other clothing items, they can choose to deduct the cost from their paychecks, including extra hats, winter coats, or a new item recently added to their inventory called “neck gaiters” to protect against debris or keep extra neck or face warmth.

Johnson confirms that any cost above the yearly allowance is deducted from employees’ paychecks, with payments stretched out so that no more than $45 to $55 is typically deducted from a single check.

Manager Workwear

Larry Lawn Managers walking through job area.

Managers wear safety green vest with blue hard hats that identify them as leaders on job sites. This makes it easier for new employees and clients to know who they need to speak with.

They also receive a uniform allowance, and their items are purchased from the company’s uniform closet inventory.

Their uniform items include shirts with collars in both short and long sleeves, olive green pants, and other items as desired.

Other Employees

Every Larry Lawns employee receives a uniform allowance, including corporate employees, branch managers, account managers, operations managers, and business developers. They order a variety of shirts, vests, and jackets, all with the Larry Lawns logo, to pair with khaki pants purchased with their allotted funds. No skirts are part of the uniform and this is done for safety reasons. The khaki pants are even a staple in the women’s landscaping uniform, regardless if they’re on the field or in the office.

The Legend of Carl Hats

Carl of Larry Lawns wearing his favorite hat.

Any hats that crew members wear on job sites must have the Larry Lawns logo. A popular hat is the “Carl” hat, according to Johnson, which is a wide-brimmed hard hat with removable neck protection. The style was requested by a former employee named Carl, and the company decided to keep it in their uniform collection even after he retired.

Trade-In Program

Landscaping can be a messy job, and clothing can get stained or torn, which is another reason why skirts aren’t found in their women’s landscaping clothing. Therefore, when uniform shirts or pants are no longer looking their best, employees can trade them in for new ones, with approval from Johnson and their operations manager, at no cost.

“We want everybody to look good out there,” she says.

Dress Code Guidelines

According to Johnson, many landscaping companies require employees to pay for all their uniform pieces.

At Larry Lawns, however, they provide generous uniforms for their employees because they believe in the importance of looking sharp and professional while on the job.

“It works. I’ve had people call me just to say they saw our guys out working and how good they looked. They compliment us on our nice uniforms and clean trucks,” Johnson said.

Providing uniforms is an important part of treating employees right.

“When Alex and Ben say to do the right thing, that includes looking good,” Johnson says.

Their smart and stylish uniforms ensure that all employees at Larry Lawns look like a cohesive team, giving them a sense of camaraderie and company pride.

Join Larry Lawns

If you’re interested in joining Larry Lawns, they always seeking talented and hard-working individuals who share their passion for landscaping. With their projected growth in the next year, it’s an exciting time to join them and experience personal and professional growth. Their generous uniform policy is just one of the many perks of being part of the Larry Lawns team. Contact them today to learn more about available positions and become a part of their cohesive organization.

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