Landscaping Ideas


Elevate your landscaping game with our lawn care door hangers featuring a bright bulb on grass design. This design represents your bright ideas for your customer’s yard, while effectively capturing potential customers and boosting your business visibility.

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How many door hangers can you put an hour?

The number of different doors you can hang door hangers on would depend on a variety of factors, such as the size of the area you want to cover, how many door hangers you have, how much time you have to devote to the task, and any local regulations regarding the distribution of advertising materials. It’s important to be respectful of people’s privacy and property, and to avoid any areas where door hanger distribution is prohibited. A good strategy is to focus on neighborhoods or areas where you already have existing customers, as well as areas that are likely to have a high concentration of potential customers.

How to determine how many door hangers you can put in an hour.

Since there’s so many variables associated with door hanger distribution, such as size of properties, walking distance to door, locked gates, traffic, etc. The only real way of determining this for your situation is to do a sample distribution of 1 hour. For this example, say you want to distribute a total of 1,000 lawn care door hangers.

  1. Start out in a route that’s average to the size of your desired area.
  2. Distribute the door hangers for 60 mins.
  3. Say that you were able to hang about 100 door flyers.
  4. That’s about 1.6 per minute.
  5. Dividing 1,000 door hangers by your hourly distribution rate, which is 100, gives you the number of hours needed to complete the campaign. In this case is 10 hours.

If you plan to do it yourself, you’ll need to consider the cost of the time spent on distribution, which may seem high, but when you consider the lifetime profit of a new customer you can determine if it would be worth the investment of time.

Another alternative it to higher a distribution company.

Can’t escape it!
When you hang a promotional message on someone’s door, they’ll have to take it off the door themselves. Most likely, they’ll bring the door hanger inside and read it. Using door hangers is an affordable way to promote your business to your target audience, and it’s even better than sending direct mail.

Width: 3.5″
Height: 8.5″
Cut: Universal Door Knob Fit
Coating: Premium Gloss for Brilliant Shine
Card-stock: Ultra-thick 16PT
Sides: Front & Back (optional)
Color: Full Color (CYMK)
Printing Time: 5-7 Business Days
Shipping Time: 1-3 Business Days

Array of Choices

  • Quantities
  • Sizes
  • Door Knob Cuts
  • Card-Stock

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